AORTA’s offerings for individuals

Explore this page to learn more about the training, coaching, and consulting offerings for individuals.

AORTA Office Hours

AORTA Office Hours are free, 30 minute appointments with an AORTA member who will offer thought partnership and one-on-one consultation to individuals who are a part of or starting groups working towards racial, economic, and gender justice and are committed to power sharing and deep democracy.

Facilitation Skill Building

We believe that facilitation has a deep impact on groups in our movements. With more highly skilled anti-oppression facilitators inside organizations and movements, the ground is more fertile for skilled, principled, and courageous action. AORTA trains, mentors, and coordinates movement facilitators who are committed to moving groups towards deep democratization and the practice of Principled Struggle.

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Facilitate for Freedom Fundamentals Training

Our flagship 3-hour online Facilitate for Freedom Fundamentals Training lays the groundwork for anyone interested in anti-oppression facilitation. Through group discussion and hands-on exercises, this workshop introduces AORTA’s facilitation pedagogy, and is a deep dive into two of our key principles: removing barriers to full participation and yes to Principled Struggle. Attending the Fundamentals training also gives you access to our Skill Up! Trainings. All registered participants receive training materials and a recording of the training.

Stay tuned for our 2025 training calendar!

Skill Up! Advanced
Facilitation Intensive

Designed for facilitators who have already gone through our Fundamentals training, the Intensive is a unique opportunity to experience our advanced Skill Up! Trainings inside a cohort of fellow movement facilitators. The intensive is jam packed with tools and strategic approaches for facilitators guiding groups through decisions, conversations, and processes of collaboration in social justice work. On the last day, the cohort also meets in a practice lab, which is a session for integration, exploring tricky meeting scenarios, and some seriously fun nerding out with other facilitators.

1 on 1 Coaching for Individuals

We bring a healing-centered and resilience-focused approach to our coaching with individuals. We work with all levels of workers, from young leaders to senior members, to supporting self-knowing in the context of collective struggle. If you’re interested in seeking an AORTA coach, please fill out this form and we will schedule a free, 30 minute consultation.

Shared Leadership learning

The Tidelines program is a coaching cohort to help shared leadership teams to build greater capacity for shared leadership (e.g. shifting from solo ED to a different model; building a culture of collaboration; designing structures for democratic governance organization-wide). There are so many different and potent models of shared leadership that exist. And, we know that it takes more than adherence to the mechanics of a shared leadership model to really make the transformative cultural shifts we desire. Through facilitated dialogue, inquiry and connection with each other, we will surface the mindsets and practices that can support us to move through change and all that it brings.